The Lift Industry Mental Health Charter was formed in 2022 by Mark Harding, a mental health first aider, and Director of Ascension Lift Solutions Ltd. In 2021 and 2022 Mark was working with Mental Health organisations helping to arrange internal mental health courses, it become clear that there was a desire to promote and support mental health within the pressurised lift industry. It was this obvious need for mental health support in our industry which prompted the formation of the charter. Now formed, The Lift Industry Mental Health Charter firmly believes your health and safety includes your mental health, and therefore should be part of our industry health and safety policies and lift industry toolbox talks on a regular basis.
The charter has gained a number of key supporters since it's formation in 2022, which has helped it grow and highlight mental health within our industry. Since our formation we have trained over 50 mental health first aiders fully funded by the charter through fund raising. With help from our supporters, and events, we aim to highlight mental health, along with education and support for people and companies within our industry and associated trades. Our events in 2023 and 2024 included an industry football event at Dartford football club along with a climb up mount Snowdon involving many industry companies. These events can be viewed on our YouTube channel and our event pages.
In February 2023 The Lift Industry Mental Health Charter was formed as a community interest company helping the interests and mental health of the lift industry with our own company registration on companies house - 14631327
The Lift Industry Mental Health Charter is an initiative/idea which is focused on bringing together the lift industry to support mental health within the industry. This includes all lift companies, lift consultants and lift suppliers across the lift industry and their employees. Working together to support the people within the industry with their mental health will make the industry a safer and more supportive place to work. The mission is to make this an international charter across the worldwide industry and for businesses to support the charter with four commitments:
There are many benefits to signing up to the charter, but primarily the charter is to show support as an industry. Along with the support from the industry, the mental health charter aims to bring the employees within the industry concessions with companies who also support this worthy cause. The concessions will be aimed at wellbeing and the general health of employees and business owners within the lift industry. These will be developed as the mental health charter progresses and gains momentum.
There will be no charge at this early stage. The idea of the charter is to show commitment and encourage well-being services, however if you wish to drop out at a later stage this can be done and removed from the charter and the benefits once created.
The Lift Industry Mental Health Charter is supported by professionals outside, and within our industry, Such as Karl Grey at Ascent lift consultancy who runs his own counselling business and ‘Petrain Services’, who has run external courses within our industry. We also have many other supporters who are trained in the area of mental health.
The Lift Industry Mental Health Charter also provides useful free links to a mixture support services.
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